Pull-up 28 day plan

Hey there!

Welcome to my 28 day pull-up plan. This is designed to help build strength to work towards your first or adding your next pull-up.

This plan is designed to complement your yoga or fitness plan, not to replace it. Each week has one test day, one core day, one rest day, and the week ends with a short yoga flow.

Do your best to stick with the plan, it has been thoughtfully programmed to gradually add to both your strength and technique.

I hope that you are as excited as I am!

(As always, see the disclaimer and consult with a medical professional before beginning a new fitness plan or exercise, and always listen to your body and use common sense.)

And if you have gotten value from this, consider leaving me a tip. Cash App

First Testing Day. Be sure to record yourself for progress comparison and take notes of your numbers! Go for one to three sets, depending on what feels right for you.
Try for three sets of dead hangs with good form.
You never thought high boat would be a rest pose. 🔥 Repeat for up to three sets if you need the challenge to feel it.

Day 4 is a rest day. Do it. Take a rest day. It isn’t weakness. It is giving your body the time it needs to repair and build muscle. Check in with yourself to make sure that you are eating enough to fuel that muscle recovery.

Also really good for shoulder mobility.
Overall shoulder and core strength, with a bit of a rest for the pulling muscles that are hopefully 🤞feeling pretty fatigued right now!

Thanks test group! Day 7 is a short yoga flow that I haven’t had a chance to record yet.

Let’s see how that first week’s work has paid off! Record yourself and log all of your results for comparison.
Bringing the heat this week. When a negative is a positive.
Level up your plank and fire up your core with Renegade Rows and plank dips. Don’t forget to log your weight and reps!

Day 11 is a rest day! Take a rest day. Are you eating enough to fuel your muscle growth? Are you hydrated?

Rows and more pulling
Dead hang beat your previous time!

Day 14 is a short yoga flow that I haven’t had a chance to record yet!

Rest Day

Yoga Flow

Rest Day

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